Thursday, February 3, 2011

The John Boehner Shit List

I originally posted this on the discussion board for the fb group "Can this Horse's Ass get More Fans than John Boehner", but nobody seemed to read it. So I'll just leave it here so now there are 2 places for people to not read it!

Oh, John Boehner, How do I loathe thee-- let me count the ways.

1. Your stout resistance to progress and democracy.
2. Your unmatched ability to ignore empirical evidence
3. Those adorable horse blinders you wear to avoid seeing all the Americans in need of (and in favor of) health care reform.
4. Your childish demeanor (by which I mean mindset).
5. And of course-- the way your skin gleams in the sunlight like a rotten tangerine.

Please add any other reasons that YOU may loathe John Boehner. His hate is a hate that is far too bountiful NOT to be shared.

1 comment:

  1. 6. Your mutual comment with O' Reilly that basically advocated smoking as being "patriotic".

    7. The fact that you can tear up and cry after every political victory, but when something tragic does happen, you simply shut down and go into robot mode
    (I.e. Gifford's hospitalization).


    8. Your anger over the fact that your comment about Rep. Steve Driehaus being a "dead man" politically, was published.

    I think that's enough.
